PW Classic Indonesia

Welcome To
PW Classic Indonesia

PW Classic Indonesia - is a stunning free-to-play MMORPG where inhabitants of the pristine Perfect World must unite to battle against the Monsters

Start Game

17, Feb 2023


A breed of flightless birds, characterized by their yellow feathers, distinct odor, and the unforgettable chirp, "kweh!", Domesticated for their gentle nature and quick feet.


Server Status

Server Time: 24 February, 2025 03:18 GMT +7

Players: 1113

Account: 37161


GM's Online

  • Game Master
  • Gusvan Mavel
  • Firdaus

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Travel to the Western Continent and disrupt nefarious plans to spread corruption. Ensure the sun always rises! Faction battles, featuring up to 80 vs 80 players, against rival factions to claim in-game territory and gain untold riches. Customize to your heart’s desire with a deep character creation system. Choose among 6 Unique Races with 12 Distinct Classes to best fit your playstyle.

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